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All first names beginning with R, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. R (1) 2. R. (1) 3. Rachel (12) 4. Ralph (10) 5. Randy (4) 6. Ravel (2) 7. Ravle (1) 8. Rawley (1) 9. Ray (11) 10. Raye (1) 11. Rayella (1) 12. Raymond (16) 13. Reatha (1) 14. Reba (6) 15. Rebecca (15) |
16. Reeda (1) 17. Regina (1) 18. Reginna (1) 19. Reida (1) 20. Rena (2) 21. Renee (1) 22. Renne (1) 23. Rennie (1) 24. Reta (1) 25. Retha (2) 26. Retta (1) 27. Rev. (1) 28. Reva (1) 29. Rex (1) 30. Rhea (1) |
31. Rhoda (8) 32. Rhonda (4) 33. Richard (28) 34. Richmon (2) 35. Rick (1) 36. Ricky (2) 37. Riley (1) 38. Rita (5) 39. Robert (80) 40. Roberta (5) 41. Robin (2) 42. Rochester (1) 43. Rodney (1) 44. Roger (4) 45. Ron (1) |
46. Ronald (12) 47. Ronna (1) 48. Ronnie (8) 49. Roosevelt (1) 50. Rosa (11) 51. Rosabelle (1) 52. Rosbert (1) 53. Roscoe (7) 54. Rose (6) 55. Rosea (1) 56. Rosetta (1) 57. Ross (4) 58. Rosy (1) 59. Roxie (5) 60. Roy (20) |
61. Royce (1) 62. Ruba (1) 63. Ruble (1) 64. Ruby (25) 65. Rufus (1) 66. Russell (7) 67. Ruth (20) 68. Ruthel (1) 69. Rutherford (1) 70. Ryan (1) 71. Ryne (1) |
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